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Morgan plus-8 3.5 Stage 3 top end rebuild.

It's unmistakable,

The "Face" of a Morgan Plus 8, Its always a pleasure to provide, for such a fine vehicle's & this one is no exception.
Smile, It's a Morgan
A Stage 3 Upgrade,

to include Big Throttle body, Ported and Matched Intake, Big Bore (shortened & polished) Trumpets make up the list for this very special treatment.
 The face of a Morgan

Like most Morgans we have seen, This one is again, a credit to its owner(s). As you will see the "Engine", itself is in great shape due to good & regular oil changing maintenance. However the combustion inefficiencies are obvious. You will see. below, Its what you get when you put, "basically" A Range Rover or SD1 Engine straight into a smaller vehicle (This in addition to the engine's original factory short- commings)
{short description of image} With the top end removed, You can see just how clean this engine block is. {short description of image}
However a closer inspection of all the Pistons show's a life of very poor efficiency and crude Incomplete combustion.
This is not indeed a fault of the owner, When a basic Range Rover engines is fitted into a lightweight vehicle like the Morgan than things cannot be expected to be so efficient,

When a engine oozes. torque. who notices anyway. Well we do and you deserve it. It is so easy to sort out from as little as Cam change, fuel re-map and appropriate engine tune. So why sell yourself short.

Its a situation that is easily remedied, The main fuelling faults lie in the Camshaft profile and the injection system,. The Cam problem is easy to rectify with One form our dedicated Piper Range, and the injection system too is easily upgraded with ECU Re-chip and/or adjustable fuel pressure regulator. In fact it is so easy to gain so much more efficiency Torque and Power from these engines it make it difficult to understand why the factory did not bother.
{short description of image} The Vernier Timing Gear being "Dialled in" {short description of image}
The Stage 3 heads will compliment the Engine well, New Head Bolts should always be used to maintain correct Torque.

Above .When working to this level, It is important to ensure exacting Camshaft timing, The Piper full Vernier allows this to be to the Nth Degree, and with the Stage 3 heads now fitted, "Things" will only get better.

!f you have Ported Heads fitted already, Port matching is one of the most essential aspects of gaining anything , from what you have already Instated, "Neglect it at you Peril"

{short description of image} {short description of image}
Dialling in the Camshaft. with a Degree wheel. Only required on the higher spec engines Port Matching manifolds, It takes time but, well worth it. Indeed with staged heads it is essential.

Now its time to fit The Stage 3 Intake System. Ported and matched manifold, Ported, shortened, and polished trumpets, and the Big throttle body. (Big power increases are to be expected, for sure.)

Big Throttle Body {short description of image}
The Big throttle Body Conversion, Now fitted. Big bore shortened polished trumpets Look Good.!!
Road Test.

City use, Country Roads and long Straits,

The Morgan happily pulled 5th from below 20mph without effort, it was "tractable on dry roads but slightly Scary on the wet " In city traffic the same but happy to pull in higher gears & follow city traffic without effort, ( Mild Mannered Mode )

In almost any gear, at any engine speed It had instant throttle response and huge Mid & Upper range aggression ( power you pay for ) when flooring the Throttle pedal on the open road It makes the eyes water ,

I never found the end of its pulling potential (must be well into 6500rpm) , but I am sure the owner's gonna like it.

Its not often I get excited about a 3.5, (I Drive a 5.2 stage 4) but this full combination of Engine plus Injection upgrade, seems to work very well,


ECU mapping may follow, and further add to the vehicles efficiency and power.( As if more was needed )

After firing it up, Nothing left now but to set it up put a few miles on to be sure all has settled, re-tune and alas, return it to its Owner, This is always a very sad time.

Our Morgan comments have moved to the comments section.

Another Morgan Project, 3.9 to 4.6 conversion, "Click here"

Prices do not include local EU.Tax.(VAT).
Prices & stock are subject to change without notice. Information and advice, as always, is free.

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