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Koni Suspension
koni suspension

For all Classic Rovers, Range Rovers & Land Rovers including later 'Air suspension' models.

The latest Rover air suspension, is only a conventional 'Air bags as springs system' with an added computerized ride height (pressure) control, other than that, they still have low specification shocks as per all previous models.

Most noticeable is the lack of 'rebound' control/stability of std. shocks, that makes the Rover feel so limp. Konis are valved to control rebound better, this ensures you get the handling without the harshness of 'over valved' shocks.

Notwithstanding this, I am sure some of the £3k complete suspension packages out there may do a bit more, but sure cost a lot more.

You and, moreover, your passengers, will appreciate the uncompromising body roll control and improved ride for sure, and you wont find it a harsher ride either,

Koni has been our choice for the last 20 years


One of the most disappointing aspects of all used Range Rover, Land Rover & Discoveries is the excessive body roll, even at low-speed cornering & normal manoeuvreing, especially if the shock absorbers fitted as standard are in less than perfect condition.

The prime reason for the excessive body roll is probably no more than the manufacture's compromises, and most replacement shocks fair only marginally better, or at worst transform the ride to one of Concrete Ride or Rally Spec. Hardly what you need for road and mild off-road use.

Load Leveler (Classic Range Rover). The idea of this central shock absorber is to allow excessive weights to be carried, or heavy trailers to be towed, without causing the back end of the Range Rover to sink dramatically. However, as you can imagine, a shock absorber fitted to the centre creates even more body roll on cornering, especially at higher speeds.

Many companies offer what they believe to be a solution to this problem by advising the fitment of the expensive anti-roll bar conversions and/or heavy duty shock absorbers which range from quite soft to very, very harsh. Making the shock absorbers much stiffer will of course help with the problem, but the trade-off is to make the ride of the vehicle very stodgy and harsh at lower speeds and on minor roads. The anti-roll bar conversion can also help to improve the situation, but again can cause harshness of ride and tends to be very expensive not only to buy, but also to fit.

The Koni Way

Koni have, over the years, gained a substantial reputation for quality and excellence in the production of their suspension units. Instead of supplying a shock absorber to fit a whole range of vehicles, Koni shocks are developed and valved for individual applications. To understand the main advantage of the Koni shocks when used on a Range Rover it is necessary to understand what is happening when you are cornering. When cornering, the shock absorber on one side is being compressed and is trying to hold the weight forces of the vehicle. Heavily uprating the shock absorber will partially resist this, but when uprating is excessive it causes normal driving to be very harsh. The shock absorber on the other side, however, is being stretched, and standard shocks offer very little resistance to this.

The Koni difference is that these shocks are designed to not only resist being pushed down, but are valved to strongly resist the lifting force (stretching), therefore controlling body roll while retaining a very comfortable ride.

Air Suspension Models.

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A Line up of HSEs; two 5.2 V8s and a 4.6 V8. Two running on LPG, and all on Koni Suspension. To further compliment the std, air suspension systems.

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Koni Fitted To HSE Rear   Close-up shows the Air suspension Unit.

Many believe mistakenly that the air suspension systems of the LSE & New Shape HSE models replace the need for shock absorbers, This is quite wrong as the air suspension unit is only doing the job of suspension springs, so shock absorbers are just as important. Although the suspension on these models is a big improvement on conventional systems, 'Body Roll' is still a very strong feature of the standard set up, so the above is also true with this later model. Konis will transform things by effectively flattening out the ride and holding much tighter on corners and at all speeds. Thus comfort is in no way compromised and a far more comfortable and assured ride is clearly apparent.

You are guaranteed to be amazed at the difference from such an inexpensive conversion.

Range Rover, Land Rover & Discovery
Range Rover, Land Rover & Discovery Koni suspension H.Duty adjustable - Front Pair, Discovery, Land Rover & Classic Range Rover ( Except LSE) . £POA
Koni suspension H.Duty adjustable - Rear Pair, Discovery, Land Rover & Classic Range Rover ( Except LSE) . £POA
Koni suspension H.Duty adjustable - Front Pair LSE & HSE ( New Shape Range Rover) £POA
Koni suspension H Duty adjustable - Rear Pair. LSE & HSE ( New shape Range Rover) £POA
Std & Lowered Springs to suit - Per Set of 4 ( Most models) £POA
Koni steering damper £POA

Koni suspension units and uprated springs.

You would never believe it was possible to have handling as good as this, and what you gain on handling, you also gain in economy. Ever noticed how you need to slow so much to manoeuvre the roundabout, or for normal day-to-day cornering? With the stability offered by Konis fitted to your car you will reduce deceleration and the need to re-accelerate, thus using less fuel and without the feeling of tipping your passengers out the other side!

Koni Front Koni shock absorbers and springs fitted to Range Rover

On the Left is Front.

On the Right is Rear.

Polybush upgrade was also
carried out at the same time.
Koni Rear

Customer Comments

Dear Chris, Thanks for your prompt reply to my earlier e-mail. I've been going over your web page (excellent & informative) for ages now. I think I have decided what I am going to do to the '98 Discovery (Engine uprate).

Suspension-wise, I took your advice and fitted Koni shocks, which are excellent.

Philip Dubia, U.A.E.

Prices do not include local EU.Tax.(VAT).
Prices & stock are subject to change without notice. Information and advice, as always, is free.

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