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Warning, this information is not for the feint of heart (or 'Non Believers')

Meet Joe...
...he has just travelled down from Lancashire. He is a freelance writer for Land Rover World Magazine, and is about to get a big shock.
Range Rover
The Plan - ...
...to do a top end overhaul using our Piper Cam etc., to show the benefits of this upgrade and write an article for Land Rover World.

Joe assured us of his engine's suitability as he had thrown away the original 3.5 and fitted a later 3.5 EFi unit, He was told (as always) it was in very good order. So Joe parted with his hard earned money for it. (Don't he look proud !)

We have not bothered to publish pics of the sludged up heads, Cam with all its lobes worn and one missing completely, the badly stretched timing gear, or even the three cracked pistons. Why? Because this is normal on all V8s that have covered 80,000 or more miles (all of which would have been avoided had Rover rectified the few silly problems that lead to this typical engine state).
V8 Engine V8 sump
Well I don't think well be using these bearings again And it's of little surprise when you see the contamination in the sump
look closely and see cracked main
The two pictures above prove yet again the importance of the main bearing stud kit, although this is a later 'Stiff Block', the mains bolts as fitted to all pre-crossbolted V8s just aren't up to the job. Joe now has a completely different opinion of his engine (even though he has covered in excess of 3000 miles like it with no knowledge of any of the engine's problems). It would not be fair of me to say this is typical, because most V8s on the road are not this bad. However, it is normal to find most V8s lacking in all these areas without the owner's knowledge. Joe has now come to terms with his engine and decided to throw it away. Much time has passed since this job started, but Joe is now landlording a big hotel, his V8 engine is not the same one any more (as you would expect). But it's done and dusted and working fine. He's a happy man at last.
And the moral of this story?.

With an aged V8, things are never as good as they may seem. Believe Me.

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Prices & stock are subject to change without notice. Information and advice, as always, is free.

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